Manuel de Falla: let him come, let him come!
The Orquesta Nacional de España, in collaboration with the Ballet Nacional de España, presents El amor brujo by Manuel de Falla, with choreography by Rubén Olmo -director of the Ballet Nacional de España-, musical direction by Josep Gil, voice soloist cantaora María Toledo and narration by Ana Hernández Sanchiz.
Information about the concert
In the last years of his stay in Paris, Manuel de Falla met the couple Gregorio Martínez Sierra and María de la O Lejárraga. Thanks to this relationship, on his return to Madrid, he collaborated in the creation of a new repertoire work for the 1914-1915 season at the Teatro Lara for the flamenco dancer Pastora Imperio: El amor brujo.
Halfway between monodrama, ballet and concert suite, El amor brujo is one of the most emblematic scores of the Spanish orchestral repertoire and its “Danza ritual del fuego” its most popular page. Rewritten on numerous occasions – between 1915 and 1925 – in different formats, the work is permanently open to creation and reinvention, as well as to the collaboration of artists with flamenco roots.
Songs, incantations, dances, love? Rubén Olmo – director of the Ballet Nacional de España – recreates the first meeting and the first conversations between Falla and Pastora to present this new choreography of this evergreen classic in collaboration with the Orquesta Nacional de España.